Wednesday 30 January 2013

Game Release Dates & General Update

So we've got a good line up ahead of us in the next few months even with Halo 4, Far Cry 3, Black Ops 2 and AC3 recently gone, the future's looking pretty awesome! There are so many games being released that've been in development for a while, Sony and Microsoft could be sending out their well loved 360 and PS3 with a boom. As you've all probably heard, both Sony and Microsoft could be releasing their new next gen consoles late 2013/early 2014. With specs of around 4gb RAM, eight core 1.6 Ghz processor and 500gb hard drives these consoles must be capable of producing 1080p and 60fps standard. These are just rumours, but i hope they pump the specs up just a tad more, since PC gaming is just that step ahead already.

Anyway as I was saying, we've got so many games around the corner that I thought I'd do a quick list to keep people up to date.

Ni No Kuni -1st Feb
Cannot wait for Ni No Kuni, I'm taking the day off especially! Being a fan of Level 5 that created White Knight Chronicles and the Professor Layton series, they have worked along side Studio Ghibli to create such a wonderful title. It'll take appox. 40 hours to finish on a normal playthrough and 80 for full completion, it's going to be like Skyrim all over again. Hooked.

Dead Space 3 - 8th Feb
I've been a fan of these since day 1 of the original. I still remember playing my first hour of it, when you're in the straight jacket being chased into a nearby elevator trying to escape one of the first fucked up necromorph, heart racing you think you've escaped him until he rips his way in, all you want to do is pull the trigger or something to stay alive. Man, I seriously can't wait for Dead Space 3.

Aliens: Colonial Marines - 12th Feb
The trailer for this looked so sweet, when you heard the beeping of the machine guns' rader getting faster and faster with aliens around, so good.

Crysis 3 & Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - 22nd Feb
Loved Crysis 1 and 2, just wasn't a fan of the multi-player, but Crytek have amazing results with their new cryengine. Crysis 3 will own all other games graphics-wise this year. I'm excited about Rising, don't get me wrong, but this is a game I think I'd probably wait until it's reduced before buying. Not sure why, but I'm more interested in The Phantom Pain. Youtube it, it could be Metal Gear 5. Yeah.

Tomb Raider - 5th March
This is a tough one. With Eidos being taken over by Square Enix, the "New" Lara doesn't seem as much of an icon as she has been. The game looks really dark, but the gameplay still looks as good as ever, if not better. I don't know too much about the story, but being an origin (How Lara became the 'Tomb Raider') I hope it's a lengthy one. All we can do is wait and see.

Gears of War: Judgement & The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct - 22nd March
Gears being a prequel, I am interested but I want to read others' reviews about it first. It sound awesome and all, but they've all kind of been the same in my opinion, adding Horde mode was the best thing they did because once the story's out of the way I didn't have a urge to go back to the games. As for the new Walking Dead, I'm a massive fan of the Telltale Games version and cannot wait to see what this is like!

Bioshock Infinite - 26th March
It took me a while to get into the original Bioshock, and a few people nudged me into playing it. I wasn't too fussed on steampunk and the playstyle of it, but once I had it for a couple of hours I loved it. Hooked up to surround sound and everything. Bioshock 2 wasn't great, but was fun and an awesome concept. With the gameplay trailers I would love to jump into this and feel as immersed as I once was.

Grand Theft Auto V - Spring
The new GTA looks immense, awesome graphics, cool story (Bro) and a massive island to play around on. Switching between the 3 characters will be awesome, this will be a treat for a while!

Dead Island Riptide - 26th April
The same crew, different island, more story and new weapons + skills. YAYAH! Dead Island's a great game, good fun and was ALMOST perfect. The only downside was the fact that you couldn't play splitscreen co-op. I hope this is rectified in Riptide so I can play it with my wife, just like we did with Left 4 Dead. Good times.

The Last of Us - 7th May
To be totally honest, I haven't seen much of this. It's one of them games for me, because I've played all the Naughty Dog games and love them all, I'd probably just buy it without know much about it and be like "Yeah, that's awesome!" then love it. It does look great though.

Resident Evil Revelations - 24th May
I seriously don't know why Capcom had to port this to other consoles? It was doing fine as a 3DS exclusive and was one of the only reasons why I got mine in the first place, but, as a hard core Resi fan I don't mind. I just hope they do more with it in terms of voice, graphics and gameplay polishing. Also, don't make any more spelling mistakes Capcom. Heheeh.

Remember Me - TBC
Love the trailer, it reminds me of Mirror's Edge and they've even stolen the highlighted areas to jump to. But as it's Capcoms first attempt, i'd be forgiving.

Beyond: Two Souls - TBC
Just OMG. Looking at the Kara trailer and seeing what that company can do, is like emotionally jaw-dropping. BUT, the composer of all the music Normand Corbeil passed away just a few days ago. With the game still in production, It'd take a massive punch in the gut because Quantic Dream's games are alll about the soundtrack, story and pulling on your emotions.

RIP Mr. Corbeil. I'm sure you've made many people fall in love with your music. Listen.

Anyway I'm having a good week, finishing street pass quest on my 3DS, getting FF13-2 for £5, Pizza Hut, monopoly, payday tomorrow, Ni No Kuni on Friday and getting a free Halo 4 display sign from work. Awh yeahh. I hope it's the same for all of you!


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